Infectious Cervical Pneumorachis with a Fatal Outcome: A Case Report

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Dimitar Pazardzhikliev


Pneumorachis is the presence of gas in the spinal canal. It is usually a result of trauma or iatrogenic, where it is usually asympomatic and is managed conservatively. However, pneumorachis due to gangrenous inflammation in vicinity is extremely rare and may be considered a sign of poor outcome. Necrotizing soft tissue infections are fulminant and life-threatening entity. In contrast to the localized deep neck infections, they spread swiftly, invading adjacent areas. We present a rare case of retropharyngeal necrotizing infection with involvement of the spinal canal and pneumorachis that has not been published before.

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How to Cite
Pazardzhikliev, D. (2024). Infectious Cervical Pneumorachis with a Fatal Outcome: A Case Report. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 5(1), bjcr10.
Clinical Case Reports
Author Biography

Dimitar Pazardzhikliev, ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University Plovdiv

ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


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