Animal Ethics Commitee
All researchers who wish to submit their studies related to animal health to the Brazilian Journal of Case Reports (BJCR) must follow all guidelines established by the local ethics committees on animal research.
For Brazilian researchers, we emphasize that everyone should follow the guidelines established by National Council for Animal Experiment Control (Concea, Brazilian). The Concea establishes that, depending on the type of "case report", the Local Ethics Committees on the Use of Animals (Ceuas) can provide the opinion or not. If the "case report" is not characterized as animal experimentation, Ceua does not need to issue an opinion. If the procedures performed are configured as animal experimentation, Ceua must issue an ethical opinion prior to submitting the manuscript to the journal.
Therefore, the BJCR states that:
1) Reports of clinical cases of animals, not associated with animal experimentation, do not need the approval of an ethical research committee;
2) If the animal clinical case report is associated with animal experimentation, authors must submit their study for ethical assessment and send the approval document attached to the manuscript.
For further clarification, we suggest reading the Concea FAQ on this link.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or by Whatsapp (+55853038-4127).