Complicated encephalitis in pediatrics: a case report

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Marília Freitas Santana
Lara Moreira Ferreira
Gabriele Sousa Barbosa
Liane Carvalho de Brito de Souza
Carlos Eduardo Jucá
Washington Aspilicueta Pinto Filho


Encephalitis is a potentially fatal inflammation of the brain parenchyma, of infectious or immunological etiology. This article is a case report of a 9-month-old child who evolved to death, demonstrating the difficulty in making the diagnosis, due to the symptoms of this disease being, in most cases, nonspecific and with several differential diagnoses.

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How to Cite
Santana, M. F., Ferreira, L. M., Barbosa, G. S., Souza, L. C. de B. de ., Jucá, C. E., & Filho, W. A. P. (2021). Complicated encephalitis in pediatrics: a case report. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 1(4), 79–83.
Clinical Case Reports
Author Biographies

Marília Freitas Santana, Medical student, Federal University of Ceará

Medical student, Federal University of Ceará, Ceará, CE, Brazil  

Lara Moreira Ferreira, Medical student, Federal University of Ceará

Medical student, Federal University of Ceará, Ceará, CE, Brazil  

Gabriele Sousa Barbosa, Medical student, Federal University of Ceará

Medical student, Federal University of Ceará, Ceará, CE, Brazil  

Liane Carvalho de Brito de Souza, Pain Clinic, Walter Cantídio University Hospital

Pain Clinic, Walter Cantídio University Hospital, Ceará, CE, Brazil

Carlos Eduardo Jucá, Pediatric neurosurgery, Albert Sabin Children's Hospital

Pediatric neurosurgery, Albert Sabin Children's Hospital, Ceará, CE, Brazil

Washington Aspilicueta Pinto Filho, Anesthesiologist, Albert Sabin Children's Hospital

Anesthesiologist, Albert Sabin Children's Hospital, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.


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