Surgical Management of Extensive Facial Laceration: A Case Report

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Emanoel Italo de Almeida Silva
Nayara Kelly Silva de Oliveira Cavalcante
Rildenson Moura Pereira
Iago Barbosa Vidal
Josfran da Silva Ferreira Filho
Ricardo Franklin Gondim
José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior
Manoel de Jesus Rodrigues Mello
Abrahão Cavalcante Gomes de Souza Carvalho


Tissue injuries are common consequences in the care of polytraumatized patients, with traffic accidents, falls, physical assaults, and animal bites being the main etiological factors. This study aims to report the surgical management of extensive facial laceration. A 42-year-old man was admitted to a referral hospital for emergency care in the state of Ceará, Brazil, following a motorcycle accident. On initial examination, the patient was unconscious, under mechanical ventilation via a definitive airway, and presented with multiple facial lacerations, including the midface, lateral border, lingual dorsum, and lower lip. Emergency surgical intervention was indicated for laceration suturing in the operating room. The procedure began with irrigation, debridement, and hemostatic control of the injuries. Sutures were performed sequentially, starting with the lingual dorsum and lateral border, followed by the lower lip, and concluding with layered sutures of the midface lacerations, beginning intraorally and continuing extraorally. A Penrose drain was placed on the right side due to involvement of the parotid gland in the laceration. The patient has been followed up in an outpatient setting for nine months, presenting satisfactory healing without pain or functional complaints. A meticulous understanding of facial anatomy and injury patterns is crucial to ensuring both function and aesthetics for the patient.

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How to Cite
Silva, E. I. de A., Cavalcante, N. K. S. de O., Pereira, R. M., Vidal, I. B., Ferreira Filho, J. da S., Gondim, R. F., Menezes Junior, J. M. S., Mello, M. de J. R., & Carvalho, A. C. G. de S. (2025). Surgical Management of Extensive Facial Laceration: A Case Report. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 5(1), bjcr56.
Clinical Case Reports
Author Biographies

Emanoel Italo de Almeida Silva, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Nayara Kelly Silva de Oliveira Cavalcante, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Rildenson Moura Pereira, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Iago Barbosa Vidal, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Josfran da Silva Ferreira Filho, Paulo Picanço College

Paulo Picanço College, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Ricardo Franklin Gondim, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

José Maria Sampaio Menezes Junior, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Manoel de Jesus Rodrigues Mello, Brazilian Dental Association - ABO

Brazilian Dental Association - ABO, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Abrahão Cavalcante Gomes de Souza Carvalho, Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF

Dr. José Frota Institute – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.


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