Mandibular Reconstruction with a Free Rib Graft: Case Report and Literature Review

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Kariny Oliveira Silva
Diego Learth Lima
Antônio Mont'Alverne Lopes Filho
José Maria Sampaio Menezes Júnior
Ricardo Franklin Gondim
Raimundo Thompson Gonçalves Filho
Murilo Alves Teixeira Neto
José Lincoln Carvalho Parente


The reconstruction of mandibular defects is essential to restore facial function and aesthetics in patients undergoing mandibular resections, a treatment indicated in approximately 41.8% of ameloblastoma cases. This study presents a secondary approach to partial mandibular reconstruction using a rib bone graft in the left mandibular body region of an adult female patient who underwent surgical resection of an ameloblastoma in 2019. Ten months postoperatively, the patient has shown reasonable maintenance of bone graft volume. The rib graft proved to be a viable surgical technique for mandibular reconstructions in centers lacking specialized teams for harvesting from other donor sites, as evidenced by this case and cited literature.

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Silva, K. O., Lima, D. L., Lopes Filho, A. M., Menezes Júnior, J. M. S., Gondim, R. F., Thompson Gonçalves Filho, R., Teixeira Neto, M. A., & Parente, J. L. C. (2025). Mandibular Reconstruction with a Free Rib Graft: Case Report and Literature Review. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 5(1), bjcr53.
Clinical Case Reports
Author Biographies

Kariny Oliveira Silva, José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF

José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Diego Learth Lima, José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF

José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Antônio Mont'Alverne Lopes Filho, José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF

José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

José Maria Sampaio Menezes Júnior, José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF

José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Ricardo Franklin Gondim, José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF

José Frota Institute Hospital – IJF, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

Raimundo Thompson Gonçalves Filho, Hospital Instituto José Frota - IJF - Fortaleza - Brasil

Doutorado em Clínica Odontológica na Universidade Federaldo Ceará – Cirurgião Bucomaxilofacial - Hospital e Maternidade José Martiniano de Alencar (HMJMA) e Hospital Instituto José Frota (IJF) - Fortaleza - Brasil

Murilo Alves Teixeira Neto, José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital and Maternity – HMJMA

José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital and Maternity – HMJMA, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.

José Lincoln Carvalho Parente, José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital and Maternity – HMJMA

José Martiniano de Alencar Hospital and Maternity – HMJMA, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.


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