Case Report on a Supracondylar Process of the Humerus: Morphological and Morphometric analysis

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José Aderval Aragão
Marcelo Lucas de Lima Prado
Iapunira Catarina Sant’Anna Aragão
Felipe Matheus Sant’Anna Aragão
Francisco Prado Reis
Deise Maria Furtado de Mendonça


The supracondylar process is a rare anatomical variation characterized by an irregular bone prominence with a variable size. Found in the anteromedial part of the distal region of the humerus, can compress the median nerve and other structures. The aim of this paper was to perform a morphological and morphometric evaluation of this variation in a right dry humerus. Faces, margins, and shape of the process were observed. Measurements was taken from the process and the entire bone. The apex of the process points toward the transition between the trochlea and the humeral capitulum. The bony spicule was 6.24 mm long. The base of the spicule measured 6.80 mm in length and 4.18 mm in width. Longitudinal crests associated with the base of the process and a deep longitudinal depression were observed. The combined longitudinal length of the caudal and cranial crests together was 32.37 mm. The distance from the bone spicule to the medial epicondyle was 65.29 mm. In pathological cases, vascular disturbances, sensory deficits, and decreased muscle strength can be observed. A comprehensive description of this variation is crucial for enhancing current knowledge and awareness in clinical practice, as it aids in accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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How to Cite
Aragão, J. A., Prado, M. L. de L., Sant’Anna Aragão, I. C., Sant’Anna Aragão, F. M., Reis, F. P., & Mendonça, D. M. F. de. (2024). Case Report on a Supracondylar Process of the Humerus: Morphological and Morphometric analysis. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 4(4), 50–56.
Clinical Case Reports
Author Biographies

Marcelo Lucas de Lima Prado, Medical Student, Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, SE, Brazil.

Medical Student, Department of Medicine, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, SE, Brazil.

Iapunira Catarina Sant’Anna Aragão, Medical Clinic Resident of Municipal Hospital Munir Rafful (HMMR), Volta Redonda

Medical Clinic Resident of Municipal Hospital Munir Rafful (HMMR), Volta Redonda, RJ, Brazil

Felipe Matheus Sant’Anna Aragão, Medical Clinic Resident of Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP)

Medical Clinic Resident of Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto (FAMERP), São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil.

Francisco Prado Reis, Titular Professor, Medical School of Tiradentes University (UNIT)

Titular Professor, Medical School of Tiradentes University (UNIT), Aracaju, SE, Brazil.

Deise Maria Furtado de Mendonça, Associate Professor of Human Anatomy, Department of Morphology, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS).

Associate Professor of Human Anatomy, Department of Morphology, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS).


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