Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle – A Rare Cause of Headache

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Joana Freitas Ribeiro
Cátia Gorgulho
Ana Matos
Tiago Alves

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How to Cite
Ribeiro, J. F., Gorgulho, C., Matos, A., & Alves, T. (2025). Colloid Cyst of the Third Ventricle – A Rare Cause of Headache. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 5(1), bjcr62.
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Author Biographies

Joana Freitas Ribeiro, Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit

Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit, Abrantes, Portugal.

Cátia Gorgulho, Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit

Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit, Abrantes, Portugal.

Ana Matos, Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit

Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit, Abrantes, Portugal.

Tiago Alves, Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit

Internal Medicine Service, Médio Tejo Local Health Unit, Abrantes, Portugal.


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