Clinical Image

Eagle's Syndrome: from diagnosis to treatment

Pedro Abecasis 1, 2 *, Carlos Zagalo 1

1 Egas Moniz School of Health and Science, Lisbon, Portugal.

2 International University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.

* Correspondence:

Abstract: Not applied.

Keywords: Eagle Syndrome; Cone Beam Computed Tomography; Pain.

Citation: Abecasis P, Zagalo C. Ea- gle's Syndrome: from diagnosis to treatment. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports. 2025 Jan-Dec;05(1):bjcr27. 583X.bjcr.2025.5.1.bjcr27

Received: 19 September 2024

Accepted: 11 October 2024

Published: 14 October 2024

Copyright: This work is licensed un- der a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).

Figure 1: A. CBCT showing an increase in the size of the styloid apophyses. B. CBCT 3D reconstuc- tion mega styloid apophyses. C. Surgically removed styloid apophysis.

The clinical image depicts a 2024 case of Eagle’s Syndrome diagnosed via cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The elongated styloid processes, measuring approxi- mately 4.3 cm bilaterally, are clearly visible on the CBCT scan (Figure 1A and 1B). The patient was presented with recurrent sore throat, neck pain, and dysphagia, and was ini- tially misdiagnosed despite undergoing a biopsy and multiple examinations. The CBCT

scan provided the crucial evidence needed to confirm the diagnosis, showing the signifi- cant elongation of both styloid processes, a hallmark feature of Eagle’s Syndrome. This finding prompted a left-sided styloidectomy and tonsillectomy (Figure 1B), which suc- cessfully alleviated the patient's symptoms.

After this diagnosis, tonsillectomy and styloidectomy were performed on the left side (the one that had symptoms and was palpable) to eliminate the patient's symptoms (Fig- ure 1C). This clinical image vividly demonstrates the importance of CBCT in diagnosing Eagle's Syndrome, particularly in cases where standard imaging modalities fail. The dis- tinctive elongation of the styloid process, as visualized in this case, serves as a key diag- nostic feature that clinicians and radiologists should recognize when encountering similar symptomatology [1-5].

Funding: None.

Research Ethics Committee Approval: We declare that the patient approved the study by signing an informed consent form and the study followed the ethical guidelines established by the Declara- tion of Helsinki.

Acknowledgments: None. Conflicts of Interest: None. Supplementary Materials: None.


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Imagem Clínica

Síndrome de Eagle: do diagnóstico ao tratamento

Pedro Abecasis 1, 2 *, Carlos Zagalo 1

1 Escola de Saúde e Ciência Egas Moniz, Lisboa, Portugal.

2 Universidade Internacional da Catalunha, Barcelona, Espanha.

* Correspondência:

Resumo: Não aplicável.

Palavras-chave: Síndrome de Eagle; Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico; Dor.

Citação: Abecasis P, Zagalo C. Sín- drome de Eagle: do diagnóstico ao tratamento. Brazilian Journal of Case Reports. 2025 Jan-Dec;05(1):bjcr27. 583X.bjcr.2025.5.1.bjcr27

Recebido: 19 Setembro 2024

Aceito: 11 Outubro 2024

Publicado: 14 Outubro 2024

Copyright: This work is licensed un- der a Creative Commons Attribution

4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).